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Sydney University

Abroad Study Destinations

EU and British Flag
United Kingdom

UK is home to many world renowned universities. These universities offer a range of study options from undergraduate to postgraduate courses which are recognized globally, making them a valuable asset to international students.


Cultural diversity is also an important point in UK to attract international students. It gives an immense opportunity to broaden student's perspective and understanding of different cultures. 


International students in UK can work as part-time while studying, which can help them gain valuable work experience in their field of study. They are also eligible to work as full-time internships while studying during study breaks. 


UK offers a high standard of living at a relatively affordable cost compared to other destinations for international students. Due to excellent infrastructure and public commute facility throughout UK, students can chose to stay little far from the downtown at cheaper cost. 


United States
United States is known for having the highest number of world's top ranking universities offering diverse range of academic programs. They are also known for their cutting-edge research facilities and opportunities for students to engage in hands-on research projects. As many US universities receive a good amount of grants from Government and private organizations, this helps to spend more money on research activities by those universities. 

Studying in a English-speaking country can greatly improve language skills for international students and increase the opportunities for global employability. Also, US has the highest GDP in all over the world which creates more job opportunities and makes one of the favorite destination for international students.  
After UK and USA, Canada is third most popular destination for international students. As per IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada) report, total number of international students in Canada in 2023 is between 8 to 9 lakhs. Out of which almost 50% to 60% are Indian students. These numbers are expected to rise at a rate of 15% to 20% in coming years. Out of all the provinces and Territories in Canada, British Columbia has highest number of international students followed by Ontario and Quebec. However, due to lower cost of living and less tuition fee in some universities, some international students prefer to stay in other provinces. 
Australia is one of the most popular destination for international students. World class universities, extensive list of courses offered at universities, and post study work permit option are few major benefits of studying in Australia for international students. 
The Australian government offers scholarships worth $200 million specifically for international students who want to study in Australian universities. The selection criteria for scholarships are decided by individual universities. This reduces the cost of education for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees by 20% to 100% of the tuition fee. 
Post study work visa option is available for international students. Full time graduates from Australian universities don't need a sponsor or job to apply for this type visa and can stay in Australia for 2 to 4 years after completion of their courses. 
Classroom Lecture
New Zealand
Demand for high - skilled candidates, comparatively lower tuition cost are few of the strong reasons why international students are getting attracted to New Zealand for higher studies. 
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